When it comes to high-performance chemical compounds, the N-BOC- Piperidine-4-carboxylic acid decidedly stands out! This compound has attracted significant attention recently due to its wide range of potential applications. This article is dedicated to unfolding the characteristics, applications, and benefits of N-BOC- Piperidine-4-carboxylic acid, assisting our esteemed potential customers in grasping why it could be a crucial addition to your chemical repertoire.
N-BOC- Piperidine-4-carboxylic acid, features the molecular formula of C12H19NO4. With a molecular weight of 241.28 g/mol, this compound belongs to the class of Piperidines, more specifically, N-Boc protected Piperidines. The N-BOC or tert-butyloxycarbonyl group serves as a protective group in organic synthesis, making this a highly functional and versatile compound for varied applications.
N-BOC- Piperidine-4-carboxylic has vast use in the pharmaceutical research and development due to its Piperidine core structure, which is an essential building block in a numerous commercially successful drugs. The reason its relevancy in drug discovery lies in its quality of being a complexing agent, essentially having the ability to form a complex molecule that helps to enhance the solility, stability, and bioavailability of the drugs.
Moreover, this compound is significant in Peptide synthesis. The N-BOC group is useful in protective group, making it an ideal compound to use when you are aiming at large-scale peptide synthesis.
N-BOC- Piperidine-4-carylic acid offers manifold benefits due to its distinct chemical properties. Notably, it could be the keystone in developing new pharmaceutical drugs because of its amplify the's potency, solubility, and overall effectiveness. Its wide applicability in peptide synthesis contributes substantially to efficient and smooth lab processes.
A chemical as crucial as the N-BOC- Piperidine-4-carboxylic acid holds endless potential in influencing the landscape of pharmaceutical research and peptide combination. this compound completely is pertinent to realizing its contribution to more effective drugs and methods of synthesis. We invite you to take a step towards further advancement and include N-C- Piperidine-4-carboxylic acid in your chemical inventory.
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